Celebrating 10 years
of local Art and eco businesses at Old Beach

Join Old Beach Art & Eco Market
on Saturday at ViBe Park
(18th St. & Cypress Ave.)
on Saturday mornings.
Open from
9:00 until noon.
Let’s start 2021 together with a song or two. Enjoy music
by Harrison Bounds
while you shop.
A reminder about what to expect
at Old Beach Markets –
Artists and vendors
will be wearing face masks
and we ask that you do, too.
We will be encouraging Social Distancing with extra empty space between tents.
The number of customers at each tent will be limited.
Please remember to bring your own reusable shopping bags
(and produce bags for OBFM)!
Check us out on Facebook and Instagram
Old Beach Farmer’s Market is open across
the street in the Crock’s parking lot
Please invite your friends!
Please Stay Safe
Wear a Mask!
We’re getting through this – together.