Mark your calendar –
lot’s happening in March!
1 – Friday, Saturday and Sunday it’s The Shamrock Marathon
2 – March 20 is The First Day of Spring
3 – March 23 is Daffodil Day – A day to raise funds and awareness for cancer care

It’s Shamrock Marathon Time!
The Marathon began in 1973 and hasn’t stopped growing.
Nearly 30,000 runners are expected on a course that generally follows the boardwalk.
Expect Atlantic and Pacific Avenues to be closed.
Good luck to everyone participating – runners, greeters, supporters.
Weekly Old Beach Markets
resume in April

Live Music
Provided by
The ViBe Creative District
This week – B J Griffin

Check the weather – early morning rain should taper off around 8:00 a.m. –
and plan to see us in ViBe Park.
Lots to see and hear!
We have a talented group of Artists and Vendors waiting for you
Saturday morning.
Armor Up Designs
Balefire Soap
Burn with Cassiethenova
Chic Flag
Eco Maniac Company
Heather Donis Designs
JECoDo Designs
Kreatively Made Designs
LeaVea Candles
MantaWave Design
Nursery Nooks
Pretty Palm Candle Co
Rockn Mommas Art Shop
Sand & Salt
Shill Creations Studio
Sticks & Stones Lapidary
WKC Trading
Wuby’s Wings
And look for some new faces –
The Defenders of Wildlife!
Don’t forget to stop by
The Old Beach Farmer’s Market
and The VB Flea.
Follow us Facebook
Instagram @OldBeachArtandEcoMarket.
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Please invite your friends!
Be sure to visit
The Old Beach
Farmer’s Market
in Croc’s parking lot.
Thanks for your continued support.

Our next market is
April 1, 2023
Old Beach Art and Eco Market
18th and Cypress in ViBe Park
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
You can reach Mary Ann at