Celebrating 10 years
bringing local art and eco businesses to Old Beach
We can make all the plans we want but sometimes reality overcomes.
The Old Beach Art and Eco Market scheduled for
March 21, 2020 has been cancelled.
While February beckoned us to be outdoors, March invites us to stay home.
Our great artists and vendors are always available online.
Shop from home this month
but don’t get used to it.
We’ll be where we belong soon!
In the meantime, check out these websites:
Bet you’re on Facebook.
We are, too.
So is the Farmer’s Market!
Old Beach Art & Eco Market started
10 years ago in 2010 as two separate markets.
Thanks for your continued support.
We’ll get through this – together.
We’ll let you know
when our next market is scheduled.
Old Beach Art and Eco Market
18th and Cypress in ViBe Park
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
You can reach Mary Ann at