Old Beach Markets
in ViBe Park tomorrow
from 9:00 a.m. until noon.
Roses are red
Grass is green
Visit ViBe Park
The place to be seen
What do you think of my poem?
It will probably relieve you to know that it’s dedicated to tomorrow – National Bad Poetry Day.
Forget poetry
and think about shopping. Tomorrow’s a great day at Old Beach Art Market.
Tomorrow’s artists in the park:
Shannon Calley
Tommi Long
Jaime Stykeman (via Sarah)
Amy Jiggetts
Lori Branson and Katelyn Watson
Jessamyn Manzeralla
Carla Fuller
plus something new –
come meet
Pat Kimball and John Pohjola
Old Beach Green Market
vendors tomorrow are:
Earthy Child
Eco Maniac
Flutterby Soap
Beauty Counter
Old Beach Art and Green Markets will be open weekly through September 29th!
Don’t forget
Old Beach Farmer’s Market
in the parking lot behind
Croc’s 19th Street Bistro
The VB Flea
Our next market is
SATURDAY, August 25, 2018