Old Beach Art Market and Eco Market

Old Beach Art Market AND Old Beach Green Market

August isn’t known for much.

No Fireworks
No National Holidays
No 3 Day Weekends
but some interesting things happened in August.

Gold was discovered in the Klondike in 1896 and more than 100,000 people headed north to find their fortune. Few miners did but $$$ were made by saloon owners and equipment suppliers!

Gold was discovered in the Klondike in 1896 and more than 100,000 people headed north to find their fortune. Few miners did but $$$ were made by saloon owners and equipment suppliers!

In 1959 Hawaii became our 50th state.

5 years later, Mary Poppins began her rule as everyone’s favorite movie nanny

and Saturday is “S’mores Day”.

That alone makes August bearable.

ViBe Park and eco vendors this week include:


The ViBe Creative District is hopping this week:
The Beach Bash will be from 10:00 until 1:00. Look for the
Bounce House in the park
and the big firetruck in the library parking lot.


The ViBe’s Second Saturday Walking Tour begins at 8:00 at Bad Ass Coffee. It’s free!


Come to the 18th Street Parklet on Sunday forSound Art & Meditation. Begins at 9:00 a.m.


Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram @OldBeachARTandECOMarket and invite all of your friends to this weekend’s market!


Remember to visit The Old Beach Farmer’s Market –
a certified Virginia Green market.


It’s always a good day to visit Old Beach Art & Eco Market.
We’ll see you there!
Mary Ann


Old Beach Art and Eco Market
18th and Cypress in ViBe Park
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
You can reach Mary Ann at