The Trash-Sea Mermaid

Old Beach Art Market AND Old Beach Green Market

The Trash-Sea Mermaid is in ViBe Park this weekend

Stop by and meet Lori and Katelyn. See their wonderful sea glass collection – from bracelets and pendants to forks and spoons.

This week’s spectacular lineup –

Everything Zen
ABJ Arts
Shadowlawn Sheree’s
and THREE brand new artists:
Cox Creations
and all the way from The Shenandoah Valley –FireworkVa
Remember to visit The Old Beach Farmer’s Market –
a certified Virginia Green market.
and fun!


This is everything you would expect from a 4th of July weekend. Here are some simple tips to follow to help keep your celebration ocean-friendly this year!


1. If you celebrate with fireworks, be sure to pick up the leftover pieces. Many fireworks contain plastic parts and they can become litter and find their way to the ocean.


2. If you must celebrate with balloons, fill them with air not helium or make sure they are weighted down so they can’t get away. Released balloons become litter and are very dangerous to marine animals, wildlife and livestock. There are many balloon alternatives available for decorations: streamers, pinwheels, flags and lights to name a few.


3. Skip the single-use plastics. If you don’t have enough reusable plates, cups and cutlery to go around, ask your guests to bring their own or head over to the thrift store and pick up a set just for parties that you can keep around for the future.


4. Heading to the beach? Bring a reusable bag and pick up some trash while you are there. Every little bit counts and its a good way to work off those veggie burgers and chips you just ate!


5. Buy local. Check out the Old Beach Farmers Market for fresh veggies, meat, bread and desserts for your guests. Or check out some of the many locally owned farm stands and bakeries in our area and support a local farmer, baker, producer.


Please share our Facebook event –
See you Saturday.
Mary Ann

Weekly Markets

all summer

Old Beach Art and Eco Market
18th and Cypress in ViBe Park
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

You can reach Mary Ann at

Have you seen MantaWave?

Old Beach Art Market AND Old Beach Green Market

Have you seen MantaWave?

Lovely work by Greg Bryant.
Greg’s with us in ViBe Park most weeks and will be this Saturday.

Stop by and see what he does. You’ll be glad you did.
Plus something a little different
will be up and at ’em across the street.
Be sure to see what they’re doing over there.
Thanks for checking out the
See you Saturday.

Mary Ann

Old Beach Art and Eco Market
18th and Cypress in ViBe Park
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
You can reach Mary Ann at

Old Beach Art and Eco Market

Old Beach Art Market AND Old Beach Green Market

Virginia Beach ArtLife at the beach changes in June – everyone is a little more relaxed, sunny days even more appreciated and Old Beach Markets are filled with the most wonderful artists, vendors and customers.

ViBe Park is a great place to start your weekend.

ABJ Arts and Everythng Zen are with us for their first markets.
Come meet these talented folks and see what they have to offer.
Take a look at our Facebook event
Say you’ll come and invite your friends

We’ll be painting crosswalks on 17th Street at Baltic and at Mediterranean in The ViBe Creative District. Put on your painting duds and take part from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

And it’s always a good idea to visit
What else is going on?
It’s time for the 26th North American Sand Soccer Championships and it’sHarborfest 2019 in Norfolk.

June 8th is World Oceans Day
A one day celebration of Oceans
all over the world –
working to create
a healthy ocean and better future.
We’re so lucky to have our very own ocean.

The least we can do is care for it.

See you Saturday.
Weekly Markets
all summer

Old Beach Art and Eco Market
18th and Cypress in ViBe Park
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
You can reach Mary Ann at

Old Beach Art Market AND Old Beach Green Market

Old Beach Art Market AND Old Beach Green Market

What’s over 150 years old and still gets rave reviews?

Is enjoyed by people all over our country?

Brings out the patriot in all of us?

Is traditionally the beginning of summer?

Why, it’s Memorial Day and it’s

You can start your flag waving at ViBe Park on Saturday from 9:00 until noon with the following Artists and Eco Vendors:

Here’s our line up so far:
Take a look at our Facebook event
Let us know you’re coming
and invite your friends

Some other things to check out at the Beach this weekend:
(where you can find our own Amy Jiggetts, Jessamyn Manzeralla,
Jill Beard and Teresa Hartman )
and its shore side counterpart –

See you Saturday.
Mary Ann


Old Beach Art Market and ECO Market

Old Beach Art Market AND Old Beach Green Market
Did you see the article in
The Virginian Pilot about rainy weekends?
Seems that’s our track record this year
but this weekend is breaking the mold.
NO RAIN projected.

Let’s get outside and play!

We’ve got a great list of folks

hoping to see you in ViBe Park on Saturday.

Here’s our line up so far:
and we have a couple of new guys, too:

Our Facebook event is –
Spring Kick Off

Please join it and invite your friends:

It’s a good day to check out The Old Beach Farmer’s Market and VB Flea, too.

See you Saturday.

Mary Ann

Weekly Markets
Beginning with our next market on May 25, 2019

Old Beach Art Market AND Old Beach Green Market

 Old Beach Art Market AND Old Beach Green Market

Our April Art and Eco Market is on Saturday
and it looks strong.
It’s going to be a busy day.
We’re celebrating Spring, Easter and Earth Day with ourEggs-travaganza.
Several familiar Eco vendors are joining us for the occasion. There’ll be an Empty Easter Basket swap, Eco Demonstrations, Corn Hole plus Drawings and Prizes (drawings at 11:00).
Here’s our line up so far:
The Facebook event is –
Please join it and invite your friends:
It’s a good day to check out The Old Beach Farmer’s Market and VB Flea, too.
Have you heard?
around here.
Next weekend looks exciting.
Numerous musical events, good eating and
most exciting for us,
the Old Beach Pop Up Market
on Saturday, April 27, 2019.
Lots of new and familiar vendors in three of our favorite places –
the 18th Street Parklet
the parking lot at Croc’s 19th Street Bistro.
The Pop Up is from 10:00 a.m until 4:00 p.m.
Live music on stage in ViBe Park.
Hope to see you both Saturdays.
Mary Ann
2019 Application forms are available – email me to request one.
If you’re in for 2018, you’re in for 2019.
Our next market is May 18, 2019
PLUS Memorial Day Weekend – May 25, 2019

Old Beach Art Market
18th and Cypress in ViBe Park
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
You can reach Mary Ann at

Old Beach Art Market – Old Beach Green Market

Old Beach Art Market in Virginia Beach, VA


Old Beach Art Market | Virginia Beach VA

Welcome to
Old Beach Art Market/Old Beach Green Market –
version 2.0
We’re now

Old Beach Art & Eco Market

We combined resources in 2018 and are ready for 2019 – starting this Saturday. Please join us in ViBe Park for a wonderfully diverse group of Artists and Eco Vendors:
Kim Walter – Domesticated Metal Head
Lindsay Kearns – Washed Ashore
Amy Jiggetts – Chic Flag
Gabrielle Hine – Beauty Counter
Courtney Walton – Courtney’s Crystals
Holly Groder – Living Light Images
Christina Trapani – Eco Maniac
Kanisha Haskins – Earthy Child
Jesssmyn Manzeralla – Jessmyn’s Whimsey
and, in her Old Beach debut,
Michelle Kane – Mama Kane’s Threads
Old Beach Farmer’s Market is in full swing, too.


Navigation might be a bit tricky Saturday. 19th Street is closed at Cypress but don’t be dismayed – we’ll be waiting for you.
Check our out logo design contest.
As part of our 2018 merger, we’re looking for a new logo. You can win one complementary 10′ x 10′ space for your business for the entire 2019 season. Contest closes at midnight February 11, 2019.
Hope to see you Saturday.

Mary Ann

2019 Application forms will
hopefully be emailed by the end of January.
Applications should be submitted by February 9, 2019.
If you’re in for 2018, you’re in for 2019.

Old Beach Art Holiday Market

Old Beach Art Market in Virginia Beach, VA

Saturday is the last Old Beach Art Market of 2018. Be sure to come – we’re ready to help you finish your Christmas shopping.
Our Holiday Market is in ViBe Park.
Check our Facebook page
for weather updates.
Saturday’s Old Beach Artists are:
Suzanne Jeffers – OneWyouLLC
Acara Phipps Miller – Acara’s Jewelry
Kim Walker – Domesticated Metalhead
Amy Jiggetts – Chic Flag
and, with us after far too long away,
Ashley Smith –Ashley M. Smith Art
We’re also welcoming a brand new artist from The Eastern Shore –
Jenna Rodriguez – Seafield Farm
This week’s Green Market Vendors:
Market hours are 9:00 until noon.
Now through May…
Shop the
Old Beach Art and Green Markets
on the third Saturday of the month.
Don’t forget
in the parking lot behind
Yesterday lives at the VB Flea.
Be sure to cross 19th Street
and check ’em out.
Things to avoid:
Huge parking lots
Crowded malls
Disinterested sales people
Things to do:
Buy local
Visit Old Beach Markets

Another great lineup for Saturday’s Old Beach Markets

Old Beach Art Market in Virginia Beach, VA

We have another great lineup for Saturday’s Old Beach Markets in ViBe Park.

We’re open 9:00 until noon.

Check out our Facebook event.
Saturday’s Old Beach Artists are:

Teresa Hartman – Yard Art
Suzanne Jeffers – OneWyouLLC
Amy Jiggetts – Chic Flag
Amy Egloso – Forever Endeavor Jewelry
a new artist:
Christine Barnard –

Reduce Your Impact on the Environment – Stay Local – Live Healthy and Safe

Shopping at farmers’ markets and grocery stores that carry local, organic fruits, vegetables and meat is a good way to
help the environment and get nutritious, healthy meals.
This week’s Green Market Vendors:

Now through May…
Check out the
Old Beach Art and Green Markets
on the third Saturday of the month.

Don’t forget
in the parking lot behind
It’s VB Flea Day, too.

Wander across the street and take in all the nostalgia you can handle.

45th Annual Neptune Festival Boardwalk Weekend

Old Beach Art Market | Virginia Beach VA


This is the 45th Annual Neptune Festival Boardwalk Weekend – lots to do in
our neighborhood.


There’s The Grand Parade and 8K Race on Saturday plus
music, art and sand sculpturing Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


If you check out the
Art & Craft Show on the boardwalk,
look for Old Beach Art Market friends


We have another great lineup for Saturday’s Old Beach Markets in ViBe Park.


We’re open 9:00 until noon.

Check out our Facebook event


Saturday’s Old Beach Artists are:


Carla Fuller – Gypsy Soul Boutique
Greg Bryant – MantaWave
Lori Bronson/Katlyn Watson –
Jessamyn Manzeralla – Jessamy’s Whimsey
Sarah Scutt – Tra Divas and Bling
Amy Jiggetts – Chic Flag
Shannon Calley –
Courtney Walton – CourtzCrystals
and, for the first time,
Samantha Bentley – Bentley’s Buds



Can going green really make a difference? The small changes we all make every day can add up to make a big difference.


Reduce Your Impact on the Environment – Stay Local – Live Healthy and Safe
One of the most important aspects of going green is also the simplest: use less stuff. Every time you fill up a reusable water bottle or throw your junk mail in the recycling bin you’re keeping resources out of the garbage and out of landfills. When you support businesses that produce green products, you’re encouraging more companies to make going green a priority.


By shopping at farmers’ markets and grocery stores that carry local, organic fruits, vegetables and meat, you’re helping the environment and getting nutritious, healthy meals.


Being green isn’t just about helping the environment – it’s also about staying healthy and happy. Learn about your impact on the environment but also about how your environment is affecting you.
With thanks to


This week’s Green Market Vendors:


Old Beach Art and Green Markets fall/winter schedule begins in October –
third Saturdays only until spring.


Don’t forget
in the parking lot behind